Top 5 Most Annoying Types of People
- The person who has perfect skin, but takes terrible care of it. You know how you're not supposed to, like, sleep with makeup on? You know how touching your face too much causes breakouts? Oh, and how smoking causes wrinkles and all kinds of other problems? These people don't care about that. At all. And their complexions do not show it. Meanwhile, I'm taking meticulous care of my skin...I wash, I moisturize, I exfoliate once a week and mask twice a month, and here I sit, 27 years old and still looking like a teenager. Oh, the injustice. I swear, if I compliment someone's skin one more time, only to hear that freaking giggle and "I sleep in my makeup every night!" I'm going to have to vomit all over their face. Aaand that will probably just make them look even more radiant.
Where to find this person: Anywhere you allow yourself to go when your skin looks its WORST.
- The person who tries to make you feel stupid and crazy for doing things that aren't stupid or crazy. Yes, I cry when I watch The Notebook. It's SAD. How is a man and wife, deeply in love, torn apart by Alzheimer's Disease NOT sad? I also like to play video games. Many of my friends seem to think this is some childish and crazy behavior. What ought I be doing? I guess I should sit around the house and pay bills and discuss Plato in order to be considered an adult doing adult things.
Where to find this person: Your lunch table at work; at a person's house where you are outnumbered by people you don't know.
- The person who drives like a moron, and then looks at you like you it's your fault. Seriously, this must happen to me at least twice a week. One time, this daft she-devil didn't stop at a red light and proceeded with her right-hand turn while I was going straight through an intersection with a GREEN light. I put on my brakes, and she flipped me off. Then, as I drove behind her, she slammed on her brakes several times, purposely trying to provoke me. Gold star.
Where to find this person: On the road, usually when you are in a hurry; In Upstate New York during even the slightest bit of precipitation, or even a strong wind.
- The mom who can't handle that her daughter's life isn't her own. Facebook has made this phenomenon creepily more simple. Moms can now be BESTIES with their daughter's friends, tag pictures of them, and comment on said pictures, all while using the coolest teen lingo. If you don't know of a real-life example of someone like this, just think of Mrs. George from Mean Girls. "I'm not a regular mom, I'm a cool mom!" Never mind being a parent, authority figure, or example. To hell with that! Let's just try to be BFFs with our kids and they will be just fine, amirite? Sigh.
Where to find this person: Any school dance that requires fancy dresses; Cheerleading competitions, usually wearing velour pants that say JUICY or PINK on the butts.
- People who don't like animals. How can you trust someone who can see this and not think it's cute? I don't get it, and frankly, it's making me not want to elaborate.
- People who get offended over lists like this. Yeah, this makes it a list of 6, and not 5, but to anyone who fits one or more of these, this is all in good fun. You still kinda suck, but I probably like you anyway.
Ugh, I totally agree on Annoying Person #1. I seriously just broke out the WORST I think I ever have and it's incredibly annoying that I'm 26 and it's still happening!